Monday, 22 August 2011

Quiz 3: How far up from the ground is this restaurant?

Yes, this restaurant is hanging in mid-air!

Boss Roy is providing you with 4 possible answers:

a) 1 metre
b) 10 metres
c) 20 metres
d) 50 metres

Leave a comment and tell Boss Roy how far up from the ground this restaurant is, or send your answer to  Remember to tell him

your email address, just in case you win!

People with the correct answer will receive a 25% discount voucher, and yes, plus a kiss from Boss Roy (on request only).

Good luck!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

How much ($US) is the cake?

So, how much is this cake?
Boss Roy's only hint is that this cake is not cheap at all :P

Leave a comment on how much you think this cake is, or send your estimated answer to

The person closest to the actual answer will receive a 25% discount voucher plus a kiss from Boss Roy (on request only).

Good luck!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

We are now OPEN

Attention everyone, we are pleased to announce that Graceland Cafe Restaurant is now OPENED.  Yes, that's right, it's official, we are open to the public to enjoy!  Come now at:

270 Blackburn Road
Doncaster East

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Thursday, 4 August 2011

New competition is out

What's the strangest/weirdest/most interesting dish you have ever had?

Tell us now, best answer (voted by a panel of professional judges) will get a prize!

You can enter your answer by visiting: